Community Ownership

Our Harvest became a multi-stakeholder cooperative in 2017 to includes our workers and community. This shift has provided us with new opportunities for investment and community ownership. We need one another to build a fair and just food system.

What are the benefits of becoming a community owner?

Purchasing a share of Our Harvest Cooperative is an investment in your community, in quality food, in a healthier environment, and in a vibrant local economy. Your support helps Our Harvest continue to pay living wages, restore agricultural land, and create access to healthy, local food. 

Shareholder Benefits

  • Be a part of a community effort to increase access to healthy food in Greater Cincinnati

  • Access selective discounts*

  • Vote for or run for designated community seats on Our Harvest's Board of Directors

  • Participate in annual meetings to set the general direction of Our Harvest

  • Receive patronage refunds in profitable years

Become a community owner today

Community owner shares are a one-time purchase. One share costs $100 (plus an additional $5.37 to cover processing fees for those who pay online). Individuals may purchase one share per person

Community-Owner Share

*New community owners can use the coupon code addonpromo to get $5 off a new recurring Add-On